Name and Affiliation

  1. H.O.G. is the governing body for all H.O.G chapters. Each chapter affiliated with H.O.G. shall be a separate and independent organisation providing services to its chapter members on a “not-for-profit” basis.
  2. Each affiliated chapter must adhere to this Charter and to any other H.O.G. operating policies.
  3. Affiliated chapters shall be named after the respective city or locale of the Sponsoring Dealer. H.O.G. shall have the right to approve chapter names.
  4. Should H.O.G determine, in its sole discretion, that a chapter is not adhering to this Charter, H.O.G. may rescind its recognition of the chapter as a H.O.G. affiliated organisation. Sponsoring Dealers may likewise rescind sponsorship of their chapter at any time, at which time the chapter’s H.O.G. affiliation shall also cease.